Thursday, March 14, 2013

How Harvey Came To Be

Harvey Danger was a stray beagle running around my neighborhood.  While out for a walk with my two dogs (also beagles), we found Harvey dirty, scared, and hungry.  I couldn't walk away from those sad beagle eyes so I brought him home.  I also couldn't keep another dog, having two beagles myself, and a relatively small home.  I contacted Last Day Dog Rescue and they agreed to help me find a home for this wayward beagle.  So this blog was created to document this journey and find a home for Harvey.  The photo above was taken on the first day I brought him home after he had been bathed.  He was timid and kept to himself and although he did seem to be interested in my two beagles he did not seem to know how or want to play.

Harvey clearly had an eye infection in his left eye and I was anxious to get him to the vet to get him checked out.  I also really wanted to know his age because he seemed to me to be a "mature" beagle.  Last Day Dog Rescue is wonderful and immediately got him into the vet.  He did have an eye infection...and so much more.

Harvey had eye infections in both eyes, ear infections in both ears, had to get a tooth extracted because it was broken and he is on antibiotics. He is also on pain medicine after recently getting neutered.  He had a heartworm test and tested negative.  He is now on heartworm preventative and he's had a dose of frontline.  He has also been vaccinated.  Since then, Harvey's eyes have cleared up, his ears have improved, and he is noticeably much healthier and happier!  He is not the "mature gentleman" I thought him to be.  The vet estimated his age at around 4-5 years old. Since the medicine kicked in and he is feeling so much better I agree!  He no longer acts like an old man but a vibrant guy who is full of life and energy!

 Harvey now runs in the backyard and has a sniffer much like a bloodhound.  The first two days at my home Harvey opened the back gate and escaped.  Since then he has not tried to escape once.

 He enjoys being outside and has plenty of energy.

He enjoys walks and does nicely on a leash.  He does not pull.  He is content to walk at my pace and just sniff everything.

He likes to sleep on his back in his crate with all four paws up in the air.  (How cute is that!)

This blog will continue to post about Mr. Harvey Danger and his journey to adoption.  He is doing well now and every day he is becoming more adjusted to life in my home.  I will introduce Harvey's supporting cast of characters later because right now this one is for the star: Harvey Danger!


  1. Im so glad you decided to do this. wont be long before this guy is adopted. But I admire what you do and will be waiting for the next installment.
